Fake your vista or windows 7 ratings
1.Go to c:\windows\performance\datascore
2. You may have to break the security (Select the properties and security tab from that
Select add or edit and add administrator,Username,system and give them full access and you are done )
3.Now you you see two or three files select the latest file which has been created and break the security
4. Open wordpad and open that file from that by selecting all files
5. Now you can edit the scores which are shown in that file save the file and you are done
2. You may have to break the security (Select the properties and security tab from that
Select add or edit and add administrator,Username,system and give them full access and you are done )
3.Now you you see two or three files select the latest file which has been created and break the security
4. Open wordpad and open that file from that by selecting all files
5. Now you can edit the scores which are shown in that file save the file and you are done
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